Say Something!: Simple Ways to Make Your Sermons Matter – eBook
- ISBN: 9781501874406, 9781501874406
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-02-19
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Abingdon Press
- Language:
- Author:
People looking for a church home value good preaching most of all – as shown by a recent Pew Research study.
While tasty coffee, edgy technology, and flashy worship services are effective, if visitors don’t hear inspiring sermons they will not come back to your church.
The lesson is clear: if you want to attract people to your church you must make preaching your number one priority. Now that’s a strategy for church growth!
If great preaching is essential to church growth, how does one become a great preacher? This book will show you how.
Charley Reeb shows why so many sermons miss the mark – usually due to design issues, rather than poor content. He introduces 6 critical characteristics of effective sermons, how to capture the attention of the listener, the best method for having maximum impact with a sermon, and many other helpful ways to be an effective preacher.
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