Church History
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland -
Seeing the Supernatural: Investigating Angels, Demons, Mystical Dreams, Near-Death Encounters, and Other Mysteries of the Unseen World
The Purple Basics: Understanding the Message of the Gospel in the New Testament
Rice Broocks -
God's Final Call: How the Book of Revelation Pulls Back the Veil on Current Events and Our Ultimate Future
All books in Church History
What's a Christian, Anyway?: Finding Our Way in an Age of Confusion and Corruption
The Untold Story of the New Testament Church (Revised and Expanded)
Frank Viola -
Judaism: A Guide for Christians
Tzvi Novick -
En Espiritu Santo y fuego: Una fe pentecostal integral (In the Spirit and in Fire)
Jorge D Canto -
The Foremost Problems of Contemporary Dogmatics: On Faith, Knowledge, and the Christian Tradition
Herman Bavinck, Bruce R. Pass & Gert de Kok -
The Anti-Greed Gospel: Why the Love of Money Is the Root of Racism and How the Church Can Create a New Way Forward
Malcolm Foley -
Zhejiang: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History
John Wesley and the Origins of Methodist Missions
Philip Wingeier-Rayo -
A History of Christianity in America – eBook
Mark A. Granquist -
John Wesley and the Origins of Methodist Missions – eBook
Philip Wingeier-Rayo -
Lower: Igniting Spiritual Awakening Through Radical
Zach Meerkreebs -
The Untold Story of the New Testament Church [Revised and Expanded] – eBook
Frank Viola -
CLIE Historia esencial del cristianismo (CLIE Essential history of Christianity)
Know the Creeds and Councils (Includes Free Streaming Video)
A History of Christianity in America
Mark A. Granquist -
My Burden Is Light: Suffering and Consolation in the Christian Life
Of Avila & Brandon Otto -
In Conversation with Saint Carlo Acutis
Brendan Leahy -
Know the Heretics (Includes Free Streaming Video)
The Twenty-First-Century Parson's Handbook: A Guide for Anglican Liturgy and Parish Ministry in the Prayer Book Catholic Tradition
Jared C. Cramer -
What the Rabbis Know That I Never Learned in Church
Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity
Your Jesus Is Too American: Calling the Church to Reclaim Kingdom Values over the American Dream
Steve Bezner -
Star-Spangled Jesus: Leaving Christian Nationalism and Finding A True Faith
April Ajoy -
Who Owns the Land?: An In-Depth Look at the Truth Behind the Middle East Conflict
Stanley Ellisen, edited by Charles H. Dyer -
Priests of History: Stewarding the Past in an Ahistoric Age
Sarah Irving Stonebraker -
Reclaiming the Dark Ages: How the Gospel Light Shone from 500 to 1500
Iain Wright & Yannick Imbert -
Cyril of Alexandria: His Life and Impact
The Stigmatists: Their Gifts, Their Revelations, Their Warnings
Kengor Paul -
To Gaze upon God: The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice
Samuel Parkison -
El Credo de los Apostoles (The Apostle's Creed)