Exegetical Journeys in Biblical Hebrew: 90 Days of Guided Reading
Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
Herman Bavinck & John Bolt -
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland -
Seeing the Supernatural: Investigating Angels, Demons, Mystical Dreams, Near-Death Encounters, and Other Mysteries of the Unseen World
All books in Missiology
Biblical Missions: Principles, Priorities, and Practices
Edited by Mark Tatlock, Chris Burnett -
Biblical Missions Workbook: Principles, Priorities, and Practices
Edited by Mark Tatlock, Chris Burnett -
Biblical Missions: Principles, Priorities, and Practices – eBook
Edited by Mark Tatlock, Chris Burnett -
Biblical Missions Workbook: Principles, Priorities, and Practices – eBook
Edited by Mark Tatlock, Chris Burnett -
God's Radical Love in Missio Dei
Edward Kim -
The Christ of the Indian Road, 100th Anniversary
The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life: The SpiritÃÂs Work for, in, and through Us
Cheryl M. Peterson -
The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life: The Spirit's Work for, in, and through Us – eBook
Cheryl M. Peterson -
Missiology Reimagined: The Missions Theology of the Nineteenth-Century African American Missionary
Kent Michael Shaw -
Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness
Darrell L. Whiteman -
Reading the Bible Latinamente: Latino/a Interpretation for the Life of the Church
Ruth Padilla DeBorst, M. Daniel Carroll R. & Miguel Echevarria -
God's Radical Love in Missio Dei: Focused on Missiology for Jewish Mission – eBook
Edward Kim -
Gospel Conversations Reimagined: A Missional Framework for Today
Cas Monaco & Heath A. Thomas(ED.) -
Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness – eBook
Darrell L. Whiteman -
Evangelism as Storytelling
Oinike Natalia Harefa & Septemmy E. Lakawa -
Evangelism as Storytelling: A Reconstruction of Evangelism from a Feminist Postcolonial Missiological Perspective
Oinike Natalia Harefa -
God's Radical Love in Missio Dei: Focused on Missiology for Jewish Mission
Edward Kim & Joseph Steinberg -
Partnership as Mission: Essays in Memory of Ellie Johnson
Kenneth Gray(ED.), Maylanne Maybee(ED.) & James Boyles -
Partnership as Mission
Kenneth Gray(ED.), Maylanne Maybee(ED.) & James Boyles -
Modern Chinese Theologies: Volume 2: Independent and Indigenous
Chloe Starr -
Go and Do Likewise: A Call to Follow Jesus in a Life of Mercy and Mission
Amy DiMarcangelo -
Boundary-Breaking Mission
Simone Mulieri Twibell -
Boundary-Breaking Mission: The Gospel in a Diverse and Fragmented World
Simone Mulieri Twibell -
Partners, Sisters, and Twins: Flourishing Partnerships among Local Congregations around the World
Danny Hunter -
The Priesthood of All Students: Historical, Theological and Missiological Foundations of a Global University Ministry
Timothee Joset -
Explaining the Practice of Elevating an Ancestor for Veneration
George Shakwelele -
Jesus, the Church and the Mission of God: A Biblical Theology of Church Planting
John Valentine -
Doctor John Remembers: The Spiritual Journey and Ministry of a Christian Physician
John Henry Moore & Mark Coppenger -
The Holy Spirit-The Comforter (Volume 8)
Christ among the Classes; The Rich, The Poor and the Mission of Jesus