Here, Now, With You: Six Movements of Compassion for Life and Leadership – eBook
Gregg Louis Taylor- ISBN: 9781501868184, 9781501868184
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-02-19
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Abingdon Press
- Language:
- Author: Gregg Louis Taylor
In Here, Now, with You, Gregg Louis Taylor invites the reader to pay attention to six ways of experiencing God’s animating movement of compassion. Grounded in the real-life context of experience and the encouragement of relatable stories, plus providing an interactive process for meaningful conversations, reflection, and application, two questions shape the book’s content:
1. What every day experiences open the door to compassion’s movement in our lives?
2. How do we recognize and embrace such encounters to cultivate rich expressions of "compassionating" lives and leadership?
By learning to be compassionate just as God is, we become more authentically connected to one another and expand our awareness of the God who is always here.
If you find yourself stymied by a spirituality gone stale, mired down from going through religious motions, and yet suspect there is much more, this book is for you. If you are a church leader who wants to cultivate a wildly welcoming, compassionate space of grace in which anyone connected to or touched by your community feels accepted and loved, Here, Now, with You is written with you in mind.
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