All books in Church
Misal Romano: Tercera edición – Spanish
Emanuel Franco-Gómez(Illustrator) -
The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy: Why Good Liturgy Matters
Thomas O'Loughlin -
Your Parish Is the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of Community
Diana Macalintal -
Liturgical Worship: 2nd edition
By What Authority?: Foundations for Understanding Authority in the Church, Revised edition
Richard R. Gaillardetz -
Excerpts from the Roman Missal
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops -
Priestly Formation in the Human Virtues: Volume 2 – The Priest as a Man of Temperance
Angel Perez-Lopez -
To Light a Fire on Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age
Reclaiming the Piazza II: The Catholic School and the New Evangelisation
Leonardo Franchi -
The New Map of the Global Church
Philip Jenkins -
Light in the Darkness: Preparing Better Catholic Funerals
Living Liturgy for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Year B (2018)
Brian Schmisek -
Living Liturgy Sunday Missal 2018
A Pastor's Toolbox 2: More Management Skills for Parish Leadership
Paul A. Holmes -
Church, Faith, Future: What We Face, What We Can Do
Louis J. Cameli -
Will Pope Francis Pull It Off?: The Challenge of Church Reform
Rocco D'Ambrosio -
The Character of the Deacon: Spiritual and Pastoral Foundations
James Keating -
Inseparable Love: A Commentary on The Order of Celebrating Matrimony in the Catholic Church
Enduring Ministry: Toward a Lifetime of Christian Leadership
Samuel D. Rahberg -
Heaven and Earth: Sermons from the 2016 National Festival of Young Preachers – eBook
Dwight A. Moody -
With Jesus to the Cross: A Lenten Guide on the Sunday Mass Readings: Year A
The Evangelical Catholic Ministry -
Lectionary for Mass Supplement
United States Conference Catholic Bishops -
Heaven and Earth: Sermons from the 2016 National Festival of Young Preachers
Dwight A. Moody -
Deepening Faith: Adult Faith Formation in the Parish
Janet Schaeffer OP -
The Deacon's Ministry of the Word
Living Your Strengths – Catholic Edition
Albert L. Winseman -
A Ministry of Discernment: The Bishop and the Sense of the Faithful
Amanda C. Osheim -
Radio Replies – Catholic Answers Edition – Three Volumes in One
Leslie Rumble -
Docat: Catholic Social Teaching for Youth
Bernhard Meusser -
Serving With Joy: Lessons From Pope Francis for Catholic Deacons Today – eBook
Greg Kandra