The Hermit: The Priest Who Saved a Soul, a Marriage, and a Family
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The Larger Catechism
Westminster Divines -
God's Field Hospital: Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to Heal the Wounds of Life
Michael Hansen & Antonio Spadaro
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Ever Ancient, Ever New: Why Younger Generations Are Embracing Traditional Catholicism
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Con Jesus a la Cruz
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Seeds of Justice: Organizing Your Church to Transform the World
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Clericalism: The Death of Priesthood
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Go Forth: Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples
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Divine Blessing: Liturgical Formation in the RCIA
Misal Romano Edición de Estudio – Spanish
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Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis's Rejoice and Be Glad: A Faith Formation Guide
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The Smoke of Satan: How Corrupt and Cowardly Bishops Betrayed Christ, His Church, and the Faithful…and What Can Be Done about It
Living Liturgy for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Year C (2019)
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Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis for Sundays and Solemnities Year C (2019)
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Misal Romano, Tercera Edicion (Roman Missal, Third Edition)
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Misal Romano: Tercera edición – Spanish
Emanuel Franco-Gómez(Illustrator) -
The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy: Why Good Liturgy Matters
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Your Parish Is the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of Community
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Liturgical Worship: 2nd edition
By What Authority?: Foundations for Understanding Authority in the Church, Revised edition
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Excerpts from the Roman Missal
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