Biblical Studies
Apocryphal Prophets and Athenian Poets: Noncanonical Influences on the New Testament
Confessing Christ: An Invitation to Baptist Dogmatics
S.A. McKinion, C.E. Thornton & K.S. Whitfield, eds. -
Paul the Storyteller: A Narratological Approach
The State of Pauline Studies: A Survey of Recent Research
Edited by Nijay K. Gupta, Erin M. Heim & Scot McKnight
All books in Biblical Studies
Interpreting the Historical Books: An Exegetical Handbook
Robert B. Chisholm Jr. -
Interpreting the New Testament Text: Introduction to the Art and Science of Exegesis – eBook
A Synoptic Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles: With Related Passages from Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezra
James D. Newsom -
Apostolic Letters of Faith, Hope, and Love
Bruce M. Metzger -
Apostolic Letters of Faith, Hope, and Love: Galatians, 1 Peter, and 1 John
Bruce M. Metzger -
Mary Magdalene Understood
Jane Schaberg -
Dying and Rising with Christ: A Study in Pauline Theology
Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament
Translation: Theory and Practice–A Historical Reader
Daniel Weissbort -
Beyond Sex Roles: What the Bible Says about a Woman's Place in Church and Family – eBook
Gilbert Bilezikian -
New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods
Christian Beginnings and the Dead Sea Scrolls
John J. Collins -
Idolatry and the Hardening of the Heart
Edward P. Meadors -
The Biblical Antiquities of Philo
M.R. James -
Indices to Diatessarica
Edwin A. Abbott -
Missing Priests: The Zadokites in Tradition and History
Alice Hunt -
A Workbook for Intermediate Hebrew: Grammar, Exegesis, and Commentary on Jonah and Ruth
Robert B. Chisholm -
Did Jesus Teach Salvation by Works?
David Baker -
An Introduction to the New Testament: Witnesses to God's New Work
Charles B. Cousar -
Creation to Revelation: A Brief Account of the Biblical Story
Jesus and Utopia: Looking for the Kingdom of God in the Roman World
Mary Ann Beavis -
El Misterio Revelado: The Mystery Revealed Spanish
Samuel Pagan -
Genesis: The Movie
Vital New Testament Issues
Roy Zuck -
The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5-7
Seeing the Word: Refocusing New Testament Study
Markus Bockmuehl -
Knocking on Heaven's Door: A New Testament Theology of Petitionary Prayer – eBook
Jesus: An Intimate Portrait of the Man, His Land, and His People – eBook
Through Mark's Eyes: A Portrait of Jesus Based on the Gospel of Mark – eBook
Puck Purnell -
Sacral Kingship in Ancient Israel
Aubrey Johnson