Biblical Studies
Confessing Christ: An Invitation to Baptist Dogmatics
S.A. McKinion, C.E. Thornton & K.S. Whitfield, eds. -
Apocryphal Prophets and Athenian Poets: Noncanonical Influences on the New Testament
Paul the Storyteller: A Narratological Approach
The State of Pauline Studies: A Survey of Recent Research
Edited by Nijay K. Gupta, Erin M. Heim & Scot McKnight
All books in Biblical Studies
The Way of the Lord: Essays in Old Testament Theology
God's Appointed Times
Barney Kasdan -
The Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel
What Jesus Meant
The Lost Gospel of Judas: Separating Fact from Fiction
Stanley E. Porter -
Theology of the New Testament [Rudolf Bultmann]
The Letter to Philemon
Markus Barth -
Commentary & Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources, 10th Edition
John Glynn -
Wrestling with the Text: Young Adult Perspectives on Scripture
Keith Graber Miller -
Sealed with an Oath: Covenant in God's Unfolding Purpose (New Studies in Biblical Theology)
Paul R. Williamson -
The War Texts: 1 QM and Related Manuscripts
Jean Duhaime -
A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament
Robert Dick Wilson -
The Exegetical Texts
Jonathan G. Campbell -
Charts of Biblical Hebrew: Includes CD-ROM with Over 450 Charts
Miles Van Pelt -
Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees in Palestinian Society
Anthony J. Saldarini -
Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Temple in the Gospel of John
Paul M. Hoskins -
Biblical Preaching on the Death of Jesus
David J. Lull -
In the Shadow of the Cross
Randal E. Denny -
Picturing the Gospel: Tapping the Power of the Bible's Imagery
Neil Livingstone -
Social Context of Paul's Ministry, The: Tentmaking and Apostleship
Ronald D. Hock -
The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus' Final Days in Jerusalem
Marcus J. Borg -
Exploring People of the Old Testament, Volume 3
John Phillips -
The Biblical Psalms in Christian Worship: A Brief Introduction & Guide to Resources
Jesus Our Lord: 24 Portraits of Christ Throughout Scripture
John Phillips -
Stories Jesus Still Tells: The Parables
John Claypool -
Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible Larger Print Bible-Il-Volume 1, Paper
Jay Patrick Green -
Ten Commandments
Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible Larger Print Bible-Il-Volume 3, Paper
Jay Patrick Green -
Concise Lexicon to the Biblical Languages
Jay Patrick Green -
Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible Larger Print Bible-Il-Volume 2, Paper
Jay Patrick Green