How to do Apologetics: Making the Case for our Faith

- ISBN: 1612785832, 9781612785837
- Page count: 176
- Published: 2016-03-22
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
- Language:
- Author:
From one of the most respected names in Catholic Apologetics, Patrick Madrid, comes the new book How to Do Apologetics: Making the Case for Our Faith.
And it couldn’t be more timely. Cultural shifts and attacks on religious liberty often place faithful Catholics in the uncomfortable position of having to defend their faith. There are also the myriad of situations in which a Catholic’s beliefs are called into question by atheists, agnostics, Protestants, or people from other religious practices.
This book is the apologist’s toolkit covering all the topics you need to understand and apply Patrick Madrid’s own successful approach.
Using logic, arguments, and evidence to defend the TruthApologetics with atheists, non-Christians, Protestants and inactive CatholicsStrategies for responding graciously to opponentsMaking the case for God, Christ and the Catholic ChurchWhat it takes to do apologetics wellPLUS: Patrick Madrid’s recommended books, and a glossary of terms!
Patrick Madrid shows how YOU "can demonstrate confidently and effectively that Catholic teaching is reasonable and consistent and compelling."
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