T.D. Jakes
Books by T.D. Jakes
Anointing Fall On Me: Accessing the Power of the Holy Spirit
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Anointing Fall on Me
T.D. Jakes -
Sasha Learns to Forgive
T.D. Jakes -
¡Vuele!: Construya su visión desde cero (Soar! Build Your Vision from the Ground Up), eBook
T.D. Jakes -
¡Vuele! (Soar!)
T.D. Jakes -
Naked and Not Ashamed: It's Time to Reveal What God Longs to Heal
Wholeness: Winning in Life from the Inside Out – eBook
Can You Stand to Be Blessed?: Insights to Help You Survive the Peaks and Valleys
T.D. Jakes -
Woman Thou Art Loosed Revised
T.D. Jakes -
Woman Thou Art Loosed! Exp Ed: Healing the Wounds of the Past
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The Pecking Order Principles Daily Readings: 365 Inspirations for Organizing Your Life – eBook
T.D. Jakes -
Identity: Discover Who You Are and Live a Life of Purpose
Elevating Excellence: 10 Defining Choices that Lead to Relevance – eBook
Woman Thou Art Loosed, Expanded Edition
T.D. Jakes -
He-Motions: Even Strong Men Struggle Unabridged Audiobook on CD
Richard Allen -
Healing the Wounds of the Past
T.D. Jakes -
Anointing: Fall on Me: Accessing the Power of the Holy Spirit
T.D. Jakes -
Daddy Loves His Girls: Discover a Love Your Heavenly Father Offers that an Earthly Father Can't
T.D. Jakes -
Strength to Stand: Overcoming, Succeeding, Thriving, Advancing, Winning
T.D. Jakes -
Strength to Stand: Overcoming, Succeeding, Thriving, Advancing, Winning – eBook
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Mujer, ¡Eres Libre! Edición de Bolsillo (Woman Thou Art Loosed! Pocket Edition)
T.D. Jakes -
Help! I'm Raising My Children Alone: A Guide for Single Parents and Those Who Sometimes Feel They Are
T.D. Jakes -
Power for Living
T.D. Jakes -
40 Days of Power
T.D. Jakes -
Healing, Blessings, and Freedom
T.D. Jakes -
It's Time to Reveal What God Longs to Heal: Naked and Not Ashamed
T.D. Jakes -
Release Your Anointing: Tapping the Power of the Holy Spirit in You
T.D. Jakes -
Water in the Wilderness
T.D. Jakes -
Why? Because You Are Anointed
T.D. Jakes -
Woman, Thou Art Loosed!
T.D. Jakes -
T.D. Jakes