Maryluz Salas
Maryluz Guerrero Salas worked at a day care center in Chicago IL and would always read Bible stories to the children. There her desire to write childrens books grew stronger. She has three children and now lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband. She studied at St. Augustine College in Chicago, IL. As a child she was told by her christian parents that dinosaurs never existed. Her teachers in public schools said otherwise. Her search for answers began at a very young age. She came to the conclusion that since God created all living things within seven days then dinosaurs must have been made in those seven days. Maryluz Guerrero Salas trabajo en una guarderia en Chicago IL y ley historias Biblicas a los nios. Ahi su deseo de escribir historias para nios aument mas fuerte. Ella tiene tres hijos y ahora vive en Phoenix, Arizona con su esposo. Estudi en San Agustine College en Chicago, IL. Cuando nia le fue dicho por sus padres cristianos que los dinosaurios no existieron. Sus maestros en la escuela publica decia lo contrario. Su bsqueda por respuestas comenzaron a una temprana edad. Concluy que como Dios creo toda cosa viviente entre siete dias, entonces los dinosaurios tuvieron que ser creados en esos siete dias.