Darrell Ankarlo
Darrell Ankarlo is a gifted radio talk show host who has won many awards, including six Talker's magazine Heavy Hundred Awards (The top 100 talk hosts in America out of over 3,500!); two Dallas Press Club Katie Awards; a Billboard magazine Air Personality of the Year Award; and the Scripps Howard Excellence in Journalism Award. The White House honored him with the President's Volunteer Service Award for his efforts to raise money, support, and awareness for America's military. On the television side, Ankarlo picked up an Emmy for a syndicated show he created and hosted and was nominated for a second program that he also created hosted wrote. He has appeared on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, Paula Zahn Now, Anderson Cooper 360, NBC's Today Show, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, the BBC, and other radio and television outlets around the world. Darrell's first book is called What Went Wrong with America an