Anthony J. Gittins
Anthony J. Gittins, CSSp, is in his twenty-fourth year at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and is currently professor of mission and culture. Born in Manchester, England, he earned an MA and PhD from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He has taught and worked in some thirty-five countries. His pastoral outreach includes ministry in cultures from Africa to the Pacific, and work with Chicago's disenfranchised, especially homeless women. He is the author of fifteen books and numerous articles. Father Gittins also lectures and leads retreats nationally and internationally. He continues his anthropological work by spending periods of time in local churches, especially in Africa and the Central Pacific, working on inculturation by bringing learnings from cultural anthropology and theology together. His commitment to homeless women in Chicago, whose stories he told in Where There's Hope, There's Life: Women's Stories of Homelessness and Survival, is ongoing.