Todd Ehrenborg
Todd Ehrenborg has served as a pastor in Southern California since 1981 after earning a M.Div. degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Formerly a research consultant for the late Dr. Walter Martin at the Christian Research Institute in Anaheim, California, Todd has lectured and authored articles in major Christian magazines and collaborated with other researchers in the publication of books, manuals, teaching tapes, and tracts, on the non-Christian cults. He is also a well-respected Bible teacher, and author of, The Mind Sciences – Christian Science, Religious Science, and Unity School of Christianity, published by Zondervan. Todd has also served as a teacher/trainer with Share Your Faith Workshops with Evangelism Explosion International and currently, in addition to pastoring a church, is co-director of Living Witnesses Ministries, a drama and teaching ministry founded in 1984 with his wife, Reverend Gwen Ehrenborg.
Alan W. Gomes (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is associate professor of historical theology and chairman of the department of theology at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University.