Sir Wyvern Pugilist
Sir Wyvern Pugilist, Slayer of a Thousand Dragons, knows whereof he writes: Descended from a family of Dragon Slayers that traces its lineage back at least 500 years, and includes an uncle about whom the author tells little, although we are given hints of his importance, Pugilist’s credentials are rock solid and trustworthy. In some ways, he remains a mystery, sharing little about his personal life; in others ways, he is refreshingly transparent, confessing early-on his repeated failures in successfully slaying a particular dragon. He is openly impatient with his readers, even rude, yet admits to a growing affection for them; and he waxes sentimental over the woman he loves—a woman he has never met, who lived hundreds of years before his birth. What we do know is that, while still a young man, Sir Pugilist entered a secret order of Dragon Slayers, through which he has continued his lifelong work of fighting each and every one of the devilish beasts that crosses his path.