Robert Menzies
Robert Menzies completed his Ph.D. studies (New Testament) at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland under the supervision of I. Howard Marshall in 1989. He has authored several books on the work of the Spirit, including Spirit and Power: Foundations of Pentecostal Experience (Zondervan, 2000), which he co-authored with his father. Dr. Menzies is an adjunct professor at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in the Philippines and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in the U.S. He has taught at Bible schools and seminaries in the Philippines, Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Russia, Holland, Korea, and the United States. Dr. Menzies' writings on the work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament have served as a catalyst for fresh thinking in this area. For most of the past eighteen years Dr. Menzies, along with his wife and two daughters, has lived and served in China. Dr. Menzies is currently the Director of Synergy, an organization that seeks to enable rural village people in Southwest China to live productive and fruitful lives.Robert Menzies completó sus estudios doctorales (PhD) en Nuevo Testamento en la University of Aberdeen, Escocia, bajo lasupervisión de I. Howard Marshall en 1989. Él es autor de varios libros sobre la obra del Espíritu. El Doctor Menzies es profesoradjunto del Asia Pacific Theological Seminary en Las Filipinas y de Assemblies of God Theological Seminary en los EE.UU. También es actualmente el Director de Synergy, una organización que procura capacitar a la gente de pueblos rurales en el sudoeste deChina para una vida más productiva y fructífera.