Richard Ing
El Dr. Richard Ing es el pastor principal de World Missions en Hawái y las Filipinas. Ha dado charlas frecuentemente sobre guerra espiritual en Fiji, Vanuatu, India, el continente de China, Hong Kong, Singapur, Sarawak, Bulgaria y las Filipinas, al igual que en el continente de E.U. Casado durante casi cincuenta años, el Dr. Ing tiene cuatro hijos y siete nietos, y reside en Hawái, donde nació y se crió.Dr. Richard Ing is the senior pastor of Light of the World Missions in Hawaii and the Philippines. He has lectured frequently on spiritual warfare in Fiji, Vanuatu, India, mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sarawak, Bulgaria, and the Philippines, as well as around the U.S. mainland. Married for nearly fifty years, Dr. Ing has four children and seven grandchildren and resides in Hawaii, where he was born and raised.