Mike Robertson
A native Texan, Mike proudly hails from West Texas. Raised in the small town of Littlefield with five sisters and two brothers, had a way of teaching him things that could never be garnered from a textbook. What started out with rough beginnings has blossomed into a full time ministry. Some thought he would go the way of the world but Jesus Christ stepped in when he was nineteen. Mike often quips: "I owe everything to the church. It gave me my friends, a great wife and a purpose for taking up space on the planet." Mike earned his bachelor's degree from Southwestern Assemblies of God University. He went on to earn his Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He pursued doctoral studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. Robertson and his wife, Karen, were the pastors of Praise Temple in Burleson, Texas when they received a "God Nudge" to go to Southern California. It was in Oceanside that they planted Family Fellowship Church, and were the pastors there for 15 years. Mike then became the Vice President of University Advancement at Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) in Waxahachie, Texas. Today, Mike Robertson is the Lead Pastor of Visalia First Assembly, having moved to Visalia in February 2008. Currently, over 4,000 people visit Visalia First Assembly on a weekly basis, and it is growing steadily. One of Mike's favorite sayings is, "Give us a year of your life, and you'll never be the same!"