Over several months in 2004 Father Yhovah woke Mikah many nights telling her to get re-baptized. When she was finally able to do this she literally vibrated for three days under the powerful fresh infilling of His Holy Spirit and now knows this was to wash the spots off her robe of righteousness to give Him a clean slate to work with. This began her specialized training at the feet of Father and beginning of her career as an author and teacher of truth, revealing false teachings, which will continue to the end of the age. The main tools used to teach Mikah about end-time prophecy and the spirit realm are photo visions, night visions, and audible messages. She has also had visitations from Gabriel and Lord Immanuel.
Mikah retired from corporate America in the field of engineering illustration and publication in 1991 when manpower reductions were necessitated by a lack of military contracts. At that time Mikah became an understudy with a local pastor in the deliverance ministry, after first seeing the positive results of spiritually cleansing the family bloodline in the lives of several, but not all, in her extended family. She continues this ministry as the opportunity presents itself. For several years Mikah was involved in youth ministry, but this program ended and she took a part-time job in customer service at a local store in the bakery department. This gave many opportunities to practice the healing gift she is blessed with.