Matthew Estrade
Matthew "Matt" Estrade, MA, MBA is a gerontologist and speaker in the Greater New Orleans area. His grandfather had probable Wernicke Korsakoff type dementia in the late 1990s. Matt has dedicated his career to helping families who are experiencing dementia find peace on this challenging journey through education, consulting, and conducting research. Locally, Matt facilitates a weekly care partner support group for the Council on Aging in St. Tammany Parish through his training and consulting practice Care Partner Mentoring, LLC. Matt is the host of the Whole Care Network's Peace with Dementia Podcast, which seeks to reduce stigma and promote relationship-centered education to persons living with dementia and their care partners. This and other educational outlets blend practical tips and evidence-based research, making it accessible so that families can take action. You can find the podcast here: http://bit.ly/PWDPodcast He completed a Masters in Gerontology from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and holds a graduate degree from the University of New Orleans and bachelors from Auburn University. For college prep, Matt graduated from Jesuit High School in New Orleans, LA. He has been a certified Dale Carnegie Instructor since 2005.Matt lives in Covington, Louisiana with his bride and three children. He is a member of the Health Ministry at Mary, Queen of Peace Parish. Matt volunteers as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader at Our Lady of the Lake Parish, where he is also in the Knights of Columbus Council 9240. He earned his Eagle Scout award in 1992. Matt is also a member of the Catholic Writers Guild, Gerontological Society of America, and is the Louisiana State Ambassador for the Southern Gerontological Society.