Lauren Eberspacher
Lauren Eberspacher is a blogger and author, living intentionally for Jesus, with a desire to give heartfelt encouragement to the everyday mama and wife. At her blog, From Blacktop to Dirt Road (, she writes about all things faith, farm, and old-fashioned homemaking, sharing real-life moments with a healthy dose of laughter along the way. Eberspacher's deepest desire is to help other women break the stigma of seeking the world's perfection, but instead help them seek the purification of Christ. She is just like every other mom out there in her sweat pants — an imperfect woman, serving a Perfect Savior and raising children for His glory. Growing up a city girl in the suburbs of Kansas City as the daughter of a pastor, Eberspacher found herself in love with a farm boy from Nebraska, which took her from the city blacktop to the dirt road of their grain farm. She is a stay-at-home mom to her three small children, and learn-in-progress farm wife to her bearded farmer, Eric. They live in Milford, Nebraska. Her writing has been published on many sites, including Her View From Home, the Today Show, FaithIt, Us Weekly, PopSugar Moms, Dearly, Love What Matters, and Simply Wholehearted.