Josh Nadeau
Josh Nadeau is an artist and author from the West Coast of Canada. Beauty is his apologetic and his work seeks to translate ancient ideas of embodying the Transcendent for a modern time. His art and writing are invitations to reimagine the holy ordinary of every day life under the Beauty of Jesus.
He has appeared on numerous podcasts, written articles for magazines and websites, and has created art for Jordan Peterson’s History of Western Civilization, as well as churches, musicians, and other organizations, like The Chosen, Searock, Vuvivo, and the Daily Wire.
He has his Undergrad in Physics, a Master’s in Theological Studies, and a doctorate from the School of Hard Knocks. He is a husband to Aislinn and a father to Ransom. He spends his days reading, writing, bouldering, and trying to enjoy every good and perfect Gift. Josh is the founder of Sword and Pencil and Every Day Saints.