Jack Harris
In January 1968, Jack Harris was installed a Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge of about 600 men. As far as he was concerned, he had reached the pinnacle of life. As a Worshipful Master, he had total autocratic authority over the affairs of his Lodge with accountability only to the Grand Master of his state. He was married, had two children, a great job, pay and benefits, as well as great health. In fact, he even believed that he had obtained a special knowledge of God, mankind, the universe, heaven, and how to live a successful and fruitful life. What more could a man ask for? But after reading and studying various Masonic authors, he realized that Freemasonry considers Jesus Christ to be no greater than Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, or Buddha. Needless to say, his faith and trust in the teachings of Masonry were shaken. He began to converse with pastors, read the Bible, pray, and debate with other Masons about who Jesus Christ is and where absolute truth is to be found. This went on for two years, until one night he decided to watch a Billy Graham crusade on TV. As he listened to Reverend Graham preach, he finally saw himself as God saw him, a sinner without hope and on his way to hell. That night he got on his knees and asked Jesus Christ to forgive him for his sins, come into his life, save him, and be the Lord of his life. At that moment, he accepted the God of the Universe, Jesus Christ, and rejected the god of Freemasonry. He was set free by the One who is the Truth, Jesus Christ. The shackles of Masonic lies were broken.