George E. Tinker(Ed.), Curtiss Paul DeYoung(Ed.) & Wilda C. Gafney(Ed.)
George E. ''Tink'' Tinker is Professor of American Indian Cultures and Religious Traditions at Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado. He is an enrolled member of the Osage Nation. Among his many publications are Missionary Conquest (Fortress Press, 1993) and Native American Theology (co-authored, 2001).
Curtiss Paul DeYoung is the Chief Executive Officer of the Minnesota Council of Churches. He has also served as the Executive Director of Community Renewal Society in Chicago, and as Professor of Reconciliation Studies at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. He is the author of Living Faith: How Faith Inspires Social Justice, and the co-editor of The People's Bible.
Wilda C. Gafney is Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia.
Leticia Guardiola-Saenz teaches New Testament at the School of Theology of Seattle University.
Frank Yamada is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston.