Evan H. Hopkins
1. Evan Henry Hopkins was born in Colombia, South America (then called New Grenada), where his father was working as a civil engineer. In 1848 his family returned to England, moving again several years later to Melbourne, Australia. Hopkins attended the College of Chemistry in Melbourne and later the Government School of Mines, intending to pursue a scientific career. But while conducting geological research in south England, he was brought to Christ through the witness of a coastguardsman. His salvation changed the course of his life’s purpose, and Hopkins left science to prepare for ministry at King’s College, London. During his years of training he became involved in evangelistic work. At age twenty-eight he was ordained a deacon in St. Paul’s Cathedral and a year later received his priest’s orders. In 1870, following his marriage to Isabella Sarah Kitchin, he became first vicar of Holy Trinity in Richmond and maintained this work for thirty years. A crisis of faith occurred in his life in 1873, when he was led to believe God for full sanctification through faith. Hopkins began to speak at holiness conventions, testifying to the power of God for holy living. From this he was led into the work for which he is best known, that of teaching and expounding God’s Word at the Keswick Conventions. He was a leader at the well-known convention, maintaining his strong involvement from Keswick’s earliest days in 1875 until a few years before his death.