Dr. George Hadjiantoniou
GEORGE ARISTOTLE HADJIANTONIOU Dr. Hadjiantoniou was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, in 1904. He graduated from school law at the University of Athens, Greece, and practiced law for ten years. A radical change occurred in George's life occasioned by a persecution against believers in northern Greece. Ten Christians were being tried in criminal court, in concordance with the second article of the Greek Constitution, that to this day forbids proselytism. However, these believers were not proselytizing, but simply witnessing to their new-found experience of the new birth in Christ.
Under these circumstances, Dr. Hadjiantoniou was called upon to defend these ten believers. Witnessing the joy these believers demonstrated for the privilege of suffering for Christ gave the lawyer the determination to preach for One who can give such joy in persecution.
After the trial's successful conclusion, he closed his law office, and sought ministerial training at the Theological College of Cambridge University in England, and then furthered his studies at the University of Edinburgh, where he earned his Ph.D. specializing in church history.
Dr. Hadjiantoniou pastored churches in England, Greece, and Canada; wrote more than twenty-five books in Greek, some of which have been translated into English, French, or African languages. Some of his best known titles include: The Historical Introduction to the Old Testament, Introduction to the New Testament, The Gospel Opened, The Twelve, The Seven Churches of revelation, and Beyond the Grave. He was also of major assistance to AMG Publishers in the publication of several word-study reference works, including The Complete Word Study New testament.
Dr. Hadjiantoniou die at this home in Edmonton on Dec.3, 1995. He is survived by his wife, Helen, and a son.