Cecilia Fernandez
Books by Cecilia Fernandez
Tesoros Bíblicos: Juan el Bautista (Bible Treasures: John the Baptist)
Cecilia Fernandez -
Tesoros Bíblicos: Domingo de Ramos (Bible Treasures: Palm Sunday)
Cecilia Fernandez -
Jesús Resucita una Niña (Jesus Wakes the Little Girl)
Joanne Bader -
La Parábola de la Oveja Perdida (The Parable of the Lost Sheep)
Claire Miller -
María y Marta (Mary and Martha)
Cecilia Fernandez -
Jesús Alimenta a la Multitud, Bilingue (A Meal for Many, Bilingual)
Erik J. Rottman -
El Niño Moisés, Bilingüe (Tiny Baby Moses, Bilingual)
Julie Dietrich -
El Hombre Prudente y el Hombre Insensato (The Wise and Foolish Builders)
Larry Burgdorf -
Los Doce Discípulos (The Twelve Ordinary Men)
Kelly Skipworth -
David y Goliat (David and Goliath)
Cecilia Fernandez