Cecil Stokes & Michelle Medlock Adams
CECIL STOKES is an award-winning writer, producer, and director of more than 500 commercials, films, and TV shows. Cecil has won every award in the television industry including an Emmy. After adopting his amazing son, Boone, from foster care, Cecil became a single dad, and both his life and career changed. He now works for the Global Orphan Project and leads their CarePortal ministry in Houston, Texas.
Michelle Medlock Adams is a NY Times Best-selling ghostwriter and an award-winning journalist of thousands of articles and over 100 books. Earning more than 90 industry awards from the Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Golden Scroll Book Awards, to name a few, she is celebrating the recent release of her children’s books Fly High and Love Connects Us All. When not writing or speaking at events, Michelle enjoys bass fishing with her husband, watching classic movies, and shopping for all things leopard print.