Anne Graham Lotz
Anne Graham Lotz, founder and president of AnGeL Ministries, has passionately carried the Word of God to people around the world for the past twenty-five years. Her edge-of-the-seat narratives and heart-touching teaching have thrilled listeners in downtown arenas and death-row prison cells, far-flung stadiums and next-door Bible studies, church sanctuaries and seminary chapels.
The daughter of Billy and Ruth Bell Graham, Anne launched Just Give Me Jesus in the year 2000, a series of life-changing revivals held in arenas throughout the United States. Anne was married for 48 years to Dr. Danny Lotz who went to be with the Lord on August 19th, 2015. He is survived by their three adult children.
Books by Anne Graham Lotz
Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion
Anne Graham Lotz -
Storming the Gates of Heaven: Prayer That Claims the Promises of God
Anne Graham Lotz -
Fixing My Eyes on Jesus: Daily Moments in His Word, Imitation Leather
Anne Graham Lotz -
The Daniel Prayer: Prayer that Moves Heaven and Changes Nations
Anne Graham Lotz -
The Daniel Key: 20 Choices That Make All the Difference
Anne Graham Lotz -
The Daniel Prayer Study Guide: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations
Anne Graham Lotz -
Heaven, God's Promise for Me
Anne Graham Lotz -
Wounded by God's People: Discovering How God's Love Heals Our Hearts
Anne Graham Lotz -
Into the Word
Anne Graham Lotz -
The Vision of His Glory
Anne Graham Lotz -
Just Give Me Jesus
Anne Graham Lotz -
God's Story
Anne Graham Lotz -
Pursuing More of Jesus
Anne Graham Lotz -
I Saw the Lord: A Wake-up Call for Your Heart
Anne Graham Lotz -
Why? Trusting God When You Don't Understand
Anne Graham Lotz -
Daily Light Devotional, NKJV–bonded leather, burgundy
Anne Graham Lotz -
Daily Light Devotional, bonded leather, tan
Anne Graham Lotz