Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi
Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi, PhD, is a priest of the Congregation of Most Holy Redeemer and serves as professor of New Testament ethics at the Alphonsian Academy in Rome and at Saint Louis University (Madrid campus). He was born in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1964, of a Japanese mother and a Spanish father. A Redemptorist missionary, he studied theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1993. He received a license in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and a doctorate in biblical theology at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, California. His books include ’But It Is Not So Among You’: Echoes of Power in Mark 10:32-45 (Bloomsbury, 2003), Símbolos de Salvación (Sígueme, 2007), and La Biblia de principio a fin (Sígueme, 2019).