Scripture / Tradition
Francis of Assisi: The Life of a Restless Saint
Volker Leppin & Rhys S. Bezzant -
Hope: The Autobiography
The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California
James L. Heft & Robert McElroy -
Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope!: Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope with Mary
Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
All books in Scripture / Tradition
Mujeres del Nuevo Testamento: Sus Vidas Son Nuestra Esperanza
Words of Wisdom: A Philosophical Dictionary for the Perennial Tradition
John W. Carlson -
Lectio Divina: How to Pray Sacred Scripture
Daniel Korn -
The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts: Volume One – The Apocrypha: Includes the Books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees
Thomas Horn -
A Catholic Christmas
Bringing the Gospel of Luke to Life: Insight and Inspiration
George Martin -
The Catholic Faith and the Social Construction of Religion: With Particular Attention to the Quebec Experience – eBook
Allan M. Savage -
The Catholic Faith and the Social Construction of Religion: With Particular Attention to the Qu Bec Experience
Allan M. Savage -
The Word of the Lord: Verbum Domini: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation
Linking Your Beads: The Rosary's History, Mysteries, and Prayers
Patricia Ann Kasten -
Encountering Christ in Eucharistic Adoration
The Emerging Laity: Vocation, Mission, and Spirituality
Aurelie A. Hagstrom -
Good Catholic Girls: How Women Are Leading the Fight to Change the Church – eBook
Angela Bonavoglia -
The Mystery of Predestination: According to Scripture, the Church, and St. Thomas Aquinas
John Salza -
The Mystery of Predestination: According to Scripture, the Church and St. Thomas Aquinas – eBook
Sacred Scriptures of the World Religions: An Introduction
Joan A. Price -
Loved, Lost, Found: 17 Divine Mercy Conversions
Felix Carroll -
Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots – eBook
Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and the Difference They Make
Bible Blueprint: A Catholic's Guide to Understanding and Embracing God's Word
Joe Paprocki -
Old Testament Introduction
Mary J. Evans -
Man Christ Jesus: How the Lord Looked, Acted, Prayed, and Loved
Cardinal Giacomo Biffi -
Catholic Customs & Traditions: A Popular Guide
Greg Dues -
St. Paul's Ephesus: Texts and Archaeology
Conversing with God in Scripture: A Contemporary Approach to Lectio Divina
Stephen J. Binz -
El Misterio Sacramental
Paul Haffner -
Las parábolas: predicándolas y viviéndolas: Ciclo A
Barbara Reid -
John Paul II's Biblical Way of the Cross
Amy Welborn -
The Women of the Passion
Kathleen M. Murphy -
A St. Joseph Bible Resource New Testament Introduction