Religious Communities
All books in Religious Communities
The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius: A New Translation from the Latin Text
Pierre Wolff -
Friend of the Soul: A Benedictine Spirituality of Work
Witches & Jesuits
Aelred of Rievaulx: Treatises & Pastoral Prayer-Cf2
David Knoles -
Men of Habit: The Franciscan Ideal in Action
Bernard Palmer -
The Jesuit Mystique
Douglas Letson -
St. Isaac & the Indians
Milton Lomask -
Spirituality For Everyday Living
Brian C. Taylor -
Community and Growth, Revised Edition Together
Jean Vanier -
Henry Suso: The Exemplar (with two German sermons) (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Frank Tobin -
Mena: Life of Isaac (Cs107p)
The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus & the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church
Meister Eckhart: Teacher & Preacher (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Bernard McGinn -
Secular Franciscan Companion
Marion A. Habig -
Early Dominicans
Simon Tugwell -
Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity
Karl Rahner -
The Lives of the Desert Fathers
Norman Russell -
The Rule of the Master- Cs6
Luke Eberle