A Theology of Revelation
J. Scott Duvall, Andreas J Kostenberger -
God's Final Call: How the Book of Revelation Pulls Back the Veil on Current Events and Our Ultimate Future
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland -
Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
Herman Bavinck & John Bolt
All books in Psychology
The Eq Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success
Steven J. Stein Ph.D. -
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner -
Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
Adrian Wells -
Counseling Couples in Conflict: A Relational Restoration Model
James N. Sells Ph.D. -
Soulful Spirituality: Becoming Fully Alive and Deeply Human – eBook
Grace for the Injured Self
Terry D. Cooper -
Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective
Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective – eBook
Wandering in Darkness: Narrative and the Problem of Suffering
Eleonore Stump -
The Everything Psychology Book: Explore the human psyche
Julie Gutin -
Reality Therapy: A New Approach to Psychiatry – eBook
William Glasser M.D. -
Systems Theory in Action: Applications to Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy
Shelly Smith-Acuna -
The Everything Psychology Book: Explore the human psyche and understand why we do the things we do – eBook
Christ and Freedom
Constantino Vincent Riccardi -
Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining
Shelly Rambo -
Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining – eBook
Shelly Rambo -
Integrating Faith and Psychology: Twelve Psychologists Tell Their Stories
Glendon L. Moriarty -
Psychology & Christianity: Five Views
Seeing the Unseen
Dana Roberts M.A. -
The Fundamentalist Mindset: Psychological Perspectives on Religion, Violence, and History
Charles B. Strozier -
Spiritual Counsel in the Anglican Tradition – eBook
David Hein -
Spiritual Counsel in the Anglican Tradition
David Hein -
How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist
Psychology in the Spirit: Contours of a Transformational Psychology
John Coe -
Edification-Journal of the Society of Christian Psychology2007 Edition
Todd H. Speidell -
De Compras con el y Ella (The X and Y of Buy) – eBook
Elizabeth Pace -
A Peaceable Psychology: Christian Therapy in a World of Many Cultures
Alvin Dueck -
Peaceable Psychology, A: Christian Therapy in a World of Many Cultures – eBook
Alvin Dueck -
God's Funeral: Psychology: Trading the Sacred for the Secular
David M. Tyler -
From Death to Life
Susan Wynn