Exegetical Journeys in Biblical Hebrew: 90 Days of Guided Reading
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An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
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Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
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Phenomenology of Human Understanding
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Contact with Reality: Michael Polanyi's Realism and Why It Matters
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Contact with Reality
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Approaching the World's Religions, Volume 1
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Tell Them Something Beautiful: Essays and Ephemera
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The Hidden and the Manifest: Essays in Theology and Metaphysics
The Age of Reason – eBook
The Art of Worldly Wisdom – eBook
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Rights of Man – eBook
Philo's Contribution to Religion
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Wager: Beauty, Suffering, and Being in the World
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The Essentials of Christian Thought: Seeing Reality Through the Biblical Story
The Essentials of Christian Thought: Seeing the World through the Biblical Story – eBook
Wagering on an Ironic God: Pascal on Faith and Philosophy
Wagering on an Ironic God: Pascal on Faith andÃÂ Philosophy
An Introduction to Philosophy: Perennial Principles of the Classical Tradition – eBook
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Philosophy Before the Greeks: The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Babylonia [Paperback]
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Socrates and Other Saints: Early Christian Understandings of Reason and Philosophy
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The Miracle of Man: Evidence for God from Human Nature
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The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe
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God Is a Particle?: Wake Up, This Is Your Life!
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Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward a Comprehensive Christian Approach
Reading Kierkegaard I
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Reading Kierkegaard I: Fear and Trembling
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The Political Pope: How Pope Francis is Delighting the Liberal Left and Abandoning Conservative Catholics
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The Concept of Woman, Volume 3: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500-2015