Exegetical Journeys in Biblical Hebrew: 90 Days of Guided Reading
Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
Herman Bavinck & John Bolt -
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland -
Seeing the Supernatural: Investigating Angels, Demons, Mystical Dreams, Near-Death Encounters, and Other Mysteries of the Unseen World
All books in Philosophy
Embracing Our Finitude: Exercises in a Christian Anthropology between Dependence and Gratitude
Stephan Kampowski -
Embracing Our Finitude
Stephan Kampowski -
Embracing Our Finitude: Exercises in a Christian Anthropology between Dependence and Gratitude – eBook
Love and the Postmodern Predicament
D.C. Schindler -
Love in the Void: Where God Finds Us
Simone Weil -
Blaise Pascal -
Phenomena & Noumena: A Contemporary Treatise
Pauline Schiappa -
Letters to Young Scholars, Second Edition: An Introduction to Christian Thought
Letters to Young Scholars, Second Edition: An Introduction to Christian Thought – eBook
William Carey Ringenberg -
Letters to Young Scholars, Second Edition, Edition 0002
Kant's Philosophical Revolution: A Short Guide to the Critique of Pure Reason
Yirmiyahu Yovel -
The New Psychology
Charles F. Haanel -
Becoming Dallas Willard: The Formation of a Philosopher, Teacher, and Christ Follower – eBook
Gary Moon -
Chance or the Dance?: A Critique of Modern Secularism
Thomas Howard -
The Enlightenment: A Very Brief History
Thinking Without Banisters: Essays in Understanding, 1954-1975 – eBook
Jerome Kohn -
Defeating Evil – God's Plan Before the Beginning of Time (Planet Earth – God's Testing Ground)
Roger G. Gallop Ph.D. -
Decoding Precepts of Oneness Theology: Reinvestigating the Incarnation Beyond Spirit and Flesh
Andrew M. Denny -
A Good Look at Evil
Abigail L. Rosenthal -
An Introduction to Personalism
Juan Manuel Burgos -
Human Suffering and the Evil of Religion: The Greatest Problems for Belief in God
Dennis Jensen -
Approaching Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods and Debates – eBook
Approaching Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods & Debates
The Consequences of Ideas, Study Guide
Of Human Life (Humanae Vitae)
Marianne Trouve -
Praying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice – eBook
Sonja Luchrmann -
Meta: On God, the Big Questions, and the Just City (An Uncommon Exchange) – eBook
Andrew Murtagh -
Meta: On God, the Big Questions, and the Just City (An Uncommon Exchange)
Andrew Murtagh -
Andrew Murtagh -
Design for Living: Regard, Concern, Service, and Love
Robert Friedmann