A Theology of Revelation
J. Scott Duvall, Andreas J Kostenberger -
God's Final Call: How the Book of Revelation Pulls Back the Veil on Current Events and Our Ultimate Future
Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
Herman Bavinck & John Bolt -
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland
All books in Philosophy
Cosmic Purpose and Human Consciousness – eBook
Cosmic Purpose and Human Consciousness
Richard A. Mould -
An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology
An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology – eBook
Luis de Molina: The Life and Theology of the Founder of Middle Knowledge – eBook
Kirk R. Macgregor -
Joy and Human Flourishing: Essays on Theology, Culture and the Good Life
Eclipse of God: Studies in the Relation Between Religion and Philosophy
A History of Western Philosophy and Theology
John M. Frame -
Moral Leadership
James F. Linzey -
Folk Phenomenology: Education, Study, and the Human Person – eBook
A Reasonable Belief: Why God and Faith Make Sense
William P. Greenway -
A Reasonable Belief: Why God and Faith Make Sense – eBook
William P. Greenway -
Introduction to Logic / Digital original – eBook
The Role of Death in Life
John Behr -
The Role of Death in Life: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Relationship between Life and Death – eBook
John Behr -
Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy (Revised)
Susan Neiman -
Suffering Well: Job's Stubborn Faith
Joshua J. King -
What's Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives
Christine Elizabeth Hayes -
Hermeneutics as Epistemology
Hermeneutics as Epistemology: A Critical Assessment of Carl F. H. Henry's Epistemological Approach to Hermeneutics – eBook
Common Sense and the American Crisis
Justice in Love
The Faith of a Heretic
Walter Kaufmann -
The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God: Toward a Theological Empiricism [Hardcover]
Sameer Yadav -
Free Will in Philosophical Theology
Kevin Timpe -
Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense: A Response to Contemporary Challenges
A Conversaunt Existence: An Argument for the Determination of God's Ontology-His Being Real
G. Bradley Nelson -
Plato's Critique of Impure Reason: On Goodness and Truth in the Republic
D.C. Schindler -
Reinhold Niebuhr: Major Works on Religion and Politics
Elisabeth Sifton -
Reflections on Old Age
Cornelius F. Murphy Jr.