A Theology of Revelation
J. Scott Duvall, Andreas J Kostenberger -
God's Final Call: How the Book of Revelation Pulls Back the Veil on Current Events and Our Ultimate Future
Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
Herman Bavinck & John Bolt -
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland
All books in Missiology
What Is the Church's Mission?
What Is the Church's Mission? – eBook
God at Work in the World: Theology and Mission in the Global Church – eBook
God at Work in the World: Theology and Mission in the Global Church
The Qur'an and the Christian: An In-Depth Look into the Book of Islam for Followers of Jesus
Matthew Aaron Bennett -
Joining Jesus
Moses Chung -
New and Old Horizons in the Orality Movement
New and Old Horizons in the Orality Movement: Expanding the Firm Foundations
Practicing the Kingdom
Justin Bronson Barringer -
Conversion of Chinese Students in Korea to Evangelical Christianity
Chang Seop Kang -
An Ordinary Mission of God Theology: Challenging Missional Church Idealism, Providing Solutions
Andrew R. Hardy -
God at Work in the World
Becoming a Missionary Church
Leadership Formation in the African Context
Samuel Deressa -
The Divine Missions
In the Shadow of Plenty
Leadership-in-Community: The Missiology, Community & Ethics of Missional Leadership
Lee A. Carter -
A Theological Assessment of Reconciliation for Missiology in the Korean Context
Hyo Seok Lim -
Advanced Missiology
Kenneth Nehrbass -
Development in Mission: A Guide for Transforming Global Poverty and Ourselves
Monty Lynn -
Missional Theology: An Introduction – eBook
Missional Theology: An Introduction
Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing Our Message and Ministry
Mischke Flanders -
Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of Mission
Questions of Context: Reading a Century of German Mission Theology
Questions of Context: Reading a Century of German Mission Theology – eBook
The Benedict Proposal
The Benedict Proposal: Church as Creative Minority in the Thought of Pope Benedict XVI – eBook
Joshua Brumfield -
A Covenantal Vision for Global Mission
Teologia de la mision transformadora
Norma Deiros