All books in Liturgy
Liturgy 101: Celebrating the Mass
Rev. Lawrence E. Mick -
The Liturgical Year: The Spiraling Adventure of the Spiritual Life – The Ancient Practices Series – eBook
The People's Work: A Social History of the Liturgy
Frank C. Senn -
Creative Chords, Studies in Music, Theology and Christian Formation
Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings
Roland J. Foley -
The Great Prayer
Hugh Ross Williamson -
A Yearbook of Seasons and Celebrations
Joanna Bogle -
Divine Worship and Human Healing: Liturgical Theology at the Margins of Life and Death
Bruce T. Morrill -
Lectionary Worship Workbook, Series IV, Cycle C
Julia Ross Strope -
Gregorian Chants for Musicians: A Complete Guide to the History and Liturgy
Daniel Saulnier -
Companion Prayer Book to the Liturgy of the Hours
Georges-Albert Boissinot -
The Mass Explained
James P. Moroney -
The Voice of Faith: Contemporary Hymns for Saints' Days with Others Based on the Liturgy
Timothy Dudley-Smith -
Heaven Revealed – The Holy Spirit and the Mass
David Bird OSB -
Dictionary of Liturgical Latin
Wilfrid Diamond -
Worship as a Revelation: The Past, Present and Future of Catholic Liturgy
Laurence Paul Hemming -
Practical Guide for the Liturgy of the Hours
Shirley Sulliavn -
The Divine Office for Dodos: A Step-By-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours
Madeline Pecora Nugent -
Welcoming the Word in Year B: Sowing the Seed
The Mystery We Celebrate, the Song We Sing; A Theology of Liturgical Music
Kathleen Harmon -
The Liturgy of the Word with Children: A Complete Three-Year Program Following the Lectionary [With CDROM]
Katie Thompson -
Together We Pray: Prayers and Services for Gatherings and Groups
Carmen L. Caltagirone -
Stations of the Resurrection: The Way to Life
Terry Tastard -
The Latin Mass Explained
Msgr. George J. Moorman -
The Latin Mass Explained – eBook
The How-To Book of the Mass
Michael Dubruiel -
Sunday, Lent, the Three Days, the Easter Season, Ordinary Time
Martin Connell -
The Leaven of Laughter for Lent and Easter
James E. Atwood -
Passion of Our Lord – 1986. Corr. 5th Edition
Catholic Book Publishing Co -
Liturgy of the Hours (Set of 4) Large Print