The Hermit: The Priest Who Saved a Soul, a Marriage, and a Family
Kevin Wells -
Forgiven Guide to Confession: Guide to Confession
Orianne Petra Rene Dyck & Allison Regina Gliot -
The Larger Catechism
Westminster Divines -
God's Field Hospital: Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to Heal the Wounds of Life
Michael Hansen & Antonio Spadaro
All books in Liturgy
Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Liturgical Participation – eBook
R. Gabriel Pivarnik -
The Order of Mass in Nine Languages
The Roman Missal: Study Edition
Abiding Word: Sunday Reflections for Year C
Barbara Reid -
Year of the Lord's Favour. a Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy. Volume 1: The Sanctoral Cycle
Year of the Lord's Favour. a Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy. Volume 3: The Temporal Cycle: Sundays Through the Year
Year of the Lord's Favour. a Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy. Volume 4: The Temporal Cycle: Weekdays Through the Year
Year of the Lord's Favour. a Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy. Volume 2: The Temporal Cycle: Advent and Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide
True Reform : Liturgy and Ecclesiology in Sacrosanctum Concilium
Let Us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass; Updated to Conform with the Revised English Translation of The Roman Missal
The Biblical Foundations of the Doctrine of Justification: An Ecumenical Follow-Up to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
The Five Wounds of Jesus
David Williams -
Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship (Spiral Bound(
Martin Tel -
Daily Roman Missal: Third Edition, Burgundy Padded Leather
Festa Paschalia: A History of the Holy Week Liturgy in the Roman Rite
Philip J. Goddard -
The Roman Missal, Edition 3Chapel
The Roman Missal, Edition 3
The Catholic Church -
Darkness Yielding: Liturgies, Prayers and Reflections for Advent, Christmas, Holy Week and Easter
Jim Cotter -
Abiding Word: Sunday Reflections for Year B
Barbara Reid -
The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary
Understanding the Mass: 100 Questions, 100 Answers
Pope Benedict XVI and the Liturgy
Anselm J. Gribbin -
The Catholic Mass…Revealed!
Following the Gospel Through the Year: Reflections on the Gospels for Sundays, Holy Days and Festivals, Years A, B & C
Raymond Chapman -
For Whose Pleasure: Confronting the Real Issue as We Gather to Worship
Steve Klingbeil -
Liturgy 101: Celebrating the Mass
Rev. Lawrence E. Mick -
The Liturgical Year: The Spiraling Adventure of the Spiritual Life – The Ancient Practices Series – eBook
The People's Work: A Social History of the Liturgy
Frank C. Senn -
Creative Chords, Studies in Music, Theology and Christian Formation
Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings
Roland J. Foley