All books in Closeouts
Matthew: Holman New Testament Commentary [HNTC]
Max Anders -
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, & Colossians : Holman New Testament Commentary [HNTC]
Max Anders -
Rocking the Roles: Building a Win-Win Marriage
Robert Lewis -
I&II Peter, I, II, & III John, and Jude: Holman New Testament Commentary [HNTC]
Max Anders -
Westward the Dream, repackaged, Ribbons West Series #1
Judith Pella -
Westminster Bible Companion: Job
James A. Wharton -
The Millennium Myth: Hope for a Postmodern World
N.T. Wright -
We Have Seen the Lord! The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
William Barclay -
Evangelism: A Concise History
Against the Third Reich: Paul Tillich's Wartime Radio
Paul Tillich -
Westminster Bible Companion: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther
Peterson First Guide to Butterflies and Moths,
Paul A. Opler -
Revelation: Holman New Testament Commentary [HNTC]
Why Are We Here?
Ronald F. Thiemann -
All About the Second Coming
Calvin's First Catechism: A Commentary
Hebrew Bible Today: An Introduction to Critical Issues
Westminster Bible Companion: Acts
Paul Walaskay -
Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord: The Christian Heritage of Sacred Jewish Festivals
William W. Francis -
Westminster Bible Companion: Exodus
Isaiah 13-27: Continental Commentary Series [CCS]
Hans Wildberger -
Westminster Bible Companion: Matthew
Thomas Long -
Reading the Bible with Heart & Mind
Covenant & Commitments
Christmas Through the Years: A War Cry Treasury
Job, Interpretation Commentary
Ruth: Old Testament Library [OTL] (Paperback)
Kirsten Nielsen -
Calvin: Commentaries–Library of Christian Classics
Joseph Haroutunian -
For the Love of Children: Genetic Technology & the Future of the Family
Westminster Bible Companion: Obadiah through Malachi
William P. Brown