All books in Closeouts
Westminster Bible Companion: Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence: Christian Churches and the Global AIDS Crisis
Donald E. Messer -
Caiaphas: Friend of Rome and Judge of Jesus
Helen Bond -
When You Hurt and When He Heals: Experiencing the Surprising Power of Prayer
Frozen in Time
Michael Oard -
Psalms 1-75: Holman Old Testament Commentary [HOTC]
Max Anders -
The Godly Business Woman-Cooking And Entertainment
Kathleen Jackson -
The Story of God: Understanding the Bible from Beginning to End
Tommy Nelson -
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi: Holman Old Testament Commentary [HOTC]
Max Anders -
A Love Woven True: Lights of Lowell Series #2
Vital Christianity: The Life and Spirituality of William Wilberforce
Murray Andrew Pura -
Paul — A Jew on the Margins
1 & 2 Kings: Continental Commentary Series [CCS]
Volkmar Fritz -
In Justice: Women and Global Economics
Ann-Cathrin Jarl -
The Betrayal, Abram's Daughters Series #2
Rumors of Another World
Thinking about Christ with Schleiermacher
Joshua, Interpretation Commentary
Jerome Creach -
Healing the Divorced Heart : Devotions for Hope & Encouragement
Every Fixed Star, Tender Ties Series #2
Sin, Pride & Self-acceptance: The Problem of Identity in Theology & Psychology
Terry D. Cooper -
Called to Teach: The Vocation of the Presbyterian Educator
Duncan S. Ferguson -
1 & 2 Chronicles: NIV Application Commentary [NIVAC]
The Insider: Bringing the Kingdom of God into Your Everyday World
Jim Petersen -
Parable and Gospel
Understanding Old Testament Ethics: Approaches and Explorations
John Barton -
Qoheleth: Continental Commentary Series [CCS]
Norbert Lohfink -
30 Days to Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness
The Fisherman: A Novel
Larry Huntsperger -
Westminster Bible Companion: Daniel
Choon-Leong Seow