Church History
Apocryphal Prophets and Athenian Poets: Noncanonical Influences on the New Testament
Confessing Christ: An Invitation to Baptist Dogmatics
S.A. McKinion, C.E. Thornton & K.S. Whitfield, eds. -
Paul the Storyteller: A Narratological Approach
The Scandal of the Kingdom: How the Parables of Jesus Revolutionize Life with God
All books in Church History
Fox's Book of Martyrs
William Byron Forbush -
The Faith of the Early Fathers, Volume 1
William A. Jurgens -
Early Christian Doctrines, Revised Ed.
J.N.D. Kelly -
King James Version Debate, The: A Plea for Realism – eBook
The King James Version Debate
Abraham Isaac Kook: Lights of Penitence, etc
Ben Zion Bokser -
The Schleitheim Confession
John Howard Yoder -
Early Versions of the New Testament
Bruce M. Metzger -
Cistercians and Cluniacs: The Case for Citeaux-Cf 33
Idung Of Prufening -
The Portable Medieval Reader – eBook
James Bruce Ross -
Women of the Reformation: From Spain to Scandinavia
Summa Contra Gentiles, 2
Thomas Aquinas -
Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume One: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451)
Aloys Grillmeier -
The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600), Christian Tradition #1
Jaroslav Pelikan -
The Cambridge History of the Bible: Volume 1, from the Beginnings to Jerome
C.F. Evans -
The New Testament Era: The World of the Bible from 500 B.C. to A.D. 100
Bo Reicke -
Summa Contra Gentiles, 1
Thomas Aquinas -
Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Norman Russell -
Beginnings to 1500, History of Christianity, Volume 1
Kenneth Scott Latourette -
John Calvin
Matthieu Arnold -
Summa Contra Gentiles, 3:I
Thomas Aquinas -
Summa Contra Gentiles, 4
Thomas Aquinas -
Summa Contra Gentiles, 3:II
Thomas Aquinas -
Night Preacher
Louise A. Vernon -
Thunderstorm in Church
Louise A. Vernon -
The Trinity, the Spectacles, Jewish Foods, in Praise of Purity, Letters
Russell J. DeSimone O.S.A. -
The Legacy of Michael Sattler
John Howard Yoder -
Women of the Reformation: In France and England
A New Wind Blowing!
Charles R. Tarr