Biblical Studies
Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey
Mark S. Gignilliat & Heath A. Thomas -
Beyond the Salvation Wars: Why Both Protestants and Catholics Must Reimagine How We Are Saved
Colossians, Volume 44A: Second Edition
Clinton E Arnold, Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford(ED.) & David C) -
1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary
All books in Biblical Studies
The Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle Paul
The Word Becoming Flesh
Horace D. Hummel -
El Pentateuco (The Pentateuch)
Pablo Hoff -
The Gospel according to St. John, Second Edition: An Introduction With Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text
C. Kingsley Barrett -
Stories from Ancient Canaan
The Predicament of the Prosperous
Love Within Limits: Realizing Selfless Love in a Selfish World
Lewis B. Smedes -
The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion
Thorkild Jacobsen -
Canaanite Myths and Legends
John C.L. Gibson -
Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ
Harold W. Hoehner -
The Community of the Beloved Disciple
An Introduction to the Apocrypha
Bruce M. Metzger -
Paul & Palestinian Judaism
E.P. Sanders -
Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest
David Hartman -
D. L. Moody on the Ten Commandments / New edition – eBook
Dwight L. Moody -
Index to Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon
Bruce Einspahr -
Dead Sea Scriptures, 3rd Ed.
Theodor Gaster -
Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel
Charles H. Dodd -
Paul Among Jews and Gentiles
Krister Stendahl -
Types in Genesis
Andrew Jukes -
Come Lord Jesus:
Watchman Nee -
Lives of the Later Caesars
Anthony Birley -
Synopsis of the Four Gospels: Greek-English Edition
Kurt Aland -
Harmony of the Gospels.
Ralph Heim -
The Mind of Jesus [Harperone]
Speaking in Parables
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume 2
G. Johannes Botterweck -
The New Testament Era: The World of the Bible from 500 B.C. to A.D. 100
Bo Reicke -
Blood Covenant: A Primitive Rite and Its Bearings on Scripture
Henry Clay Trumbull