Biblical Studies
Beyond the Salvation Wars: Why Both Protestants and Catholics Must Reimagine How We Are Saved
Colossians, Volume 44A: Second Edition
Clinton E Arnold, Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford(ED.) & David C) -
Boy Jesus: Growing Up Judean in Turbulent Times
Joan E Taylor -
1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary
All books in Biblical Studies
Jesus and Judaism
E.P. Sanders -
J. S. Bach & Scripture: Glosses from the Calov
Robin Leaver -
The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
A Critical Edition of the Coptic (Bohairic) Pentateuch: Genesis
Melvin K. Peters -
An Introduction to the Old Testament
Old Testament Theology: Its History and Development
New Testament and Mythology and Other Basic Writings
Jesus and Community.
Reading the Old Testament An Introduction
Lawrence Boadt -
Naming the Powers The Language of Power in the New Testament
Walter Wink -
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount [D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones]
The Great Reversal: Ethics and the New Testament
Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period, Vol. 2: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran, Philo, Josephus
A Survey of the New Testament
F. Leroy Forlines -
Mejor Pacto
Texts of Terror
Phyllis Trible -
The Jewish War [Penguin Classics]
G.A. Williamson -
Mysterious Encounters at Mamre and Jabbok
William T. Miller -
Life After Death
Message of Psalms
Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity
The Dawn of the Apocalyptic:
AIDS to Revelation:
Watchman Nee -
The Life of Saint Paul
Old Testament and Criticism
Carl Amerding -
El Libro Siempre Nuevo (The Forever New Book)
Jose Silva Delgado -
KJV Apocrypha Hardcover
Baker Publishing Group -
Introduction to the Semitic Languages Text Specimens and Grammatical Sketches
Gotthelf Bergstrasser -
Los Libros Históricos (Historical Books)
Pablo Hoff