Biblical Studies
Beyond the Salvation Wars: Why Both Protestants and Catholics Must Reimagine How We Are Saved
Colossians, Volume 44A: Second Edition
Clinton E Arnold, Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford(ED.) & David C) -
Boy Jesus: Growing Up Judean in Turbulent Times
Joan E Taylor -
1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary
All books in Biblical Studies
What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism?
Jesus of Nazareth
Herbert Danby -
A Beginner's Guide to the New Testament
William Barclay -
God is a Warrior: Studies in OT Biblical Theology
Final Account: Paul's Letters to the Romans
Krister Stendahl -
The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses
Comfort One Another: Reconstructing the Rhetoric & Audience of One Thessalonians
Abraham Smith -
The Truth Under Lock and Key? Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Text of the New Testament
Erroll F. Rhodes -
Judaism and Hebrew Prayer
Stefan Reif -
John Calvin's Exegesis of the Old Testament
David L. Puckett -
The Resurrection According to Matthew, Mark and Luke The.
Norman Perrin -
Resurrection Reconsidered
Gregory Riley -
The Pentateuch as Narrative
John -
Everyman's Talmud The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages
Abraham Cohen -
The Theology of the Gospel of John
D. Moody Smith -
Biblical Words and Their Meaning, Revised and Expanded An Introduction to Lexical Semantics
Prophecy and Apocalypticism: The Postexilic Social Setting
Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah
Phyllis Trible -
Scripture & Homosexuality: Biblical Authority & the Church Today
Marion Soards -
God With Us.
How to Do Biblical Theology
Peter Stuhlmacher -
Prayer in the New Testament: Overtures to Biblical Theology
Oscar Cullmann -
Sage, Priest, Prophet: Religious and Intellectual Leadership in Ancient Israel
Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt
William J. Murnane -
The Modern Search for the Real Jesus: An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospels Criticism
Robert B. Strimple -
The Classic Midrash: The Tannaitic Commentaries on the Bible (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Reuven Hammer -
The Davidic Dynasty Tradition in Early Judaism: Its History and Significance for Messianism, Paper
Kenneth Pomykala -
John as Storyteller: Narrative Criticism and the Fourth Gospel
Targum of Neofiti 1 & Pseudo-Jonathan: Leviticus
Martin McNamara MSC