Biblical Studies
Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey
Mark S. Gignilliat & Heath A. Thomas -
Beyond the Salvation Wars: Why Both Protestants and Catholics Must Reimagine How We Are Saved
Colossians, Volume 44A: Second Edition
Clinton E Arnold, Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford(ED.) & David C) -
1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary
All books in Biblical Studies
The Human Being: The Enigma of the Son of Man
Walter Wink -
Companion to Hebrew Bible
Symphony of Scripture: Making Sense of the Bible's Many Themes
Survey of the New Testament [Paperback]
Paul N. Benware -
The Synoptic Gospels, Revised And Expanded: An Introduction
Keith F. Nickle -
Survey of the New Testament- Everyman's Bible Commentary – eBook
Paul N. Benware -
The Synoptic Gospels, Revised and Expanded: An Introduction – eBook
Keith F. Nickle -
Survey of the Old Testament- Everyman's Bible Commentary – eBook
Paul N. Benware -
On Romans: And Other New Testament Essays
C.E.B. Cranfield -
The Satisfaction of Christ
Survey of the Old Testament
Paul N. Benware -
Introducing Biblical Hebrew and Grammar
Allen Ross -
Testimony to Otherwise: The Witness of Elijah and Elisha
Walter Brueggemann -
Revisiting Paul's Doctrine of Justification: A Challenge to the New Perspective
Peter Stuhlmacher -
The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences
Imperial Cults and the Apocalypse of John: Reading Revelation in the Ruins
Steven J. Friesen -
The Paul Quest: The Renewed Search for the Jew of Tarsus
The Prophets
Jesus and the Village Scribes: Galilean Conflicts and the Setting of Q
William E Arnal -
Re-examining Paul's Letters: A History of the Pauline Correspondence
Interpreting the Old Testament: A Guide for Exegesis
Craig C. Broyles -
Rethinking the Synoptic Problem – eBook
Interpreting the Old Testament: A Guide for Exegesis – eBook
Craig C. Broyles -
Paul Beyond The Judaism/Hellenism Divide
A. W. Pink's Studies in the Scriptures, , 1924-25, Vol 02 of 17
Exploring the Scriptures
John Phillips -
Who's Who in the Ancient Near East
Gwendolyn Leick -
A Marginal Jew, Volume 3
John P. Meier -
The Ancient Church As Family
Joseph H Hellerman -
John's Apologetic Christology: Legitimation and Development in Johannine Christology
John Court