Biblical Studies
Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey
Mark S. Gignilliat & Heath A. Thomas -
Beyond the Salvation Wars: Why Both Protestants and Catholics Must Reimagine How We Are Saved
Colossians, Volume 44A: Second Edition
Clinton E Arnold, Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford(ED.) & David C) -
1 Corinthians: A Theological, Pastoral, and Missional Commentary
All books in Biblical Studies
Poor Banished Children of Eve: Women as Evil in the Hebrew Bible
Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon
Moses Stuart -
Continuum History of Apocalypticism
Bernard McGinn -
Nehemias Dinamica de Un Lider
Cyrill Barber -
Reading the Gospels in the Dark
Richard Walsh -
The Divine Symphony: The Bible's Many Voices
Israel Knohl -
Family in the Bible: Exploring Customs, Culture, and Context – eBook
Richard S. Hess -
Rewriting the Sacred Text: What the Old Greek Texts Tell Us about the Literary Growth of the Bible
Kristin De Troyer -
Bible and Qur'an: Essays in Scriptural Intertextuality
John C. Reeves -
Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students
David Barr -
Pontius Pilate: Portraits of a Roman Govenor
The Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah – Its Sacrifices, Services, and Priesthood
David M. Levy -
His Name Is One
Jeff A. Benner -
Matters of Life and Death: A Jewish Approach to Modern Medical Ethics
Early Christian Families in Context: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue
David Balch -
An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms
H. Wayne Ballard Jr. -
Tabernacle of David: The Higher Worship of Mount Zion
Daniel G. Caram -
Oral Interpretation of the Bible
Daniel R. Berger -
Minor Prophets, Part 2: The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL)
The Aramaic Gospels and Acts
Joseph Pashka -
Biblical History of Israel and the Kingdom of God
Isabelo S. Alcordo -
Aramaic Old Testament-FL
Understanding Dan
Mark Bartusch -
Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God's Mission in the Bible
Arthur F. Glasser -
The Earliest Text of the Hebrew Bible: The Relationship between the Masoretic Text & the Hebrew base of the LXX
Adrian Schenker -
Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God's Mission in the Bible – eBook
Arthur F. Glasser -
The Children of Israel: Reading the Bible for the Sake of our Children
Danna Nolan Fewell -
Written That You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth GospelRev and Expande Edition
Comentario Exegetico y Explicativo de la Biblia, Tomo I Antiguo Testamento (Exegetical & Explanatory Bible Commentary Volume 1, Old Testament)
Roberto Jamieson -
Comentario Exegetico y Explicativo de la Biblia, Tomo II Nuevo Testamento (Exegetical & Explanatory Bible Commentary Volume 2, New Testament)
Roberto Jamieson