Biblical Studies
All books in Biblical Studies
The Canon of the Bible, Edition 0003Revised, Enlarg
Samuel Davidson -
Christ in the Feast of Pentecost – eBook
The Gospel of John and Christian Theology
Richard Bauckham -
Christ in the Feast of Pentecost
Christ in the Passover/Christ in the Feast of Pentecost/Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles Set – eBook
Ceil Rosen -
Participatory Biblical Exegesis: A Theology of Biblical Interpretation
Archaeology & the New Testament
True Id: A Verse-By-Verse Study Of Ephesians
Dino Pedrone -
Pauline Theology of Church Leadership
Andrew Clarke -
A Reader's Hebrew Bible – Italian Duo-Tone, Tan
A. Philip Brown II -
The Kingdom Equation: A Fresh Look at the Parables of Jesus, Edition 0002
The Sword and the Stylus: An Introduction to Wisdom in the Age of Empires
The Bible for Sinners: Interpretation in the Present Time
Christopher Rowland -
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels
The Synoptic Gospels and the Psalms as Prophecy
J. Samuel Subramanian -
New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity, Volume 7
S.R. Llewelyn -
Archibald A. Hodge -
Aram and Israel
Emil G.H. Kraeling -
The Seven Churches of Asia (Robert Murray McCheyne)
Robert Murray McCheyne -
The Last Twelve Verses of Mark
Dean J. Burgon -
Reconstructing the First-Century Synagogue: A Critical Analysis of Current Research
Stephen Catto -
The Reading and Transformation of Isaiah in Luke-Acts
Peter Mallen -
Humanists and Reformers: A History of the Renaissance and Reformation
Bard Thompson -
Mark and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies, Second Edition
Janice Capel Anderson -
Touching the Altar: The Old Testatment and Christian Worship
Carol Bechtel -
The Syriac Version of the Psalms of Solomon: A Critical Evaluation
Joseph L. Trafton -
Does Christianity Teach Male Headship? The Equal-Regard Marriage and Its Critics
David Blackenhorn -
Profiles of Jesus
Roy W. Hoover -
Die Massora Magna, Erster Teil
S. Frensdorff -
the Invention of Christian Discourse
Vernon K. Robbins