Biblical Studies
All books in Biblical Studies
Christ of the Prophets: Abridged Edition
The Book of Hebrews: The Smart Guide to the Bible Series
Larry Richards Ph.D. -
Cutting Too Close for Comfort: Paul's Letter to the Galatians in Its Anatolian Cultic Context
Susan M. Elliott -
The Book of Hebrews – eBook
Larry Richards Ph.D. -
Paul and the Prison Epistles: The Smart Guide to the Bible Series
Larry Richards Ph.D. -
Paul and the Prison Epistles – eBook
Larry Richards Ph.D. -
The Few, The Humble, The Church: A Study On The Book Of Ephesians And Spiritual Warfare
Stephanie Pavlantos -
Still at the Margins: Biblical Scholarship Fifteen Years After Voices from the Margin
R.S. Sugirtharajah -
The Scroll Of The Gospel Of David: Discovering A Prophecy Of The Death, Burial And Resurrection Of Yeshua (Jesus) In Ii Samuel 15:10 – 20:2
Tony Robinson -
Paul and the Creation of Christian Identity
William S. Campbell -
Text of the New Testament, The: From Manuscript to Modern Edition – eBook
J. Harold Greenlee -
Ancient Israelite Religion: Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross
New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ
New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ – eBook
Perspectives on Purity and Purification in the Bible
Baruch J. Schwartz -
Israel in Transition, Volume 1: From Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E.). Archaeology
Lester L. Grabbe -
Man Overboard! The Story of Jonah
Reading and Hearing the Book of the Twelve
Divine and Human Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment
Who Do My Opponents Say That I Am?: An Investigation of the Accusations Against the Historical Jesus
Scot McKnight -
The Return to Scripture in Judaism and Christianity
Peter Ochs -
The Old Testament Historical Books: An Introduction
Israel P. Loken -
The 'Foreignness' of the Foreign Woman in Proverbs 1-9
Nancy Nam Hoon Tan -
The Man of Galilee
Atticus Haygood -
Why Did They Write This Way?: Reflections on References to Written Documents in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Literature
Katherine M. Stott -
My Words Are Lovely: Studies in the Rhetoric of the Psalms
Robert L. Foster -
Ten Scriptual Reasons That the Earth Is Young
Daniel Barefoot -
The Original Story: God, Israel, and the World
Heresies of Westcott and Hort
D.A. Waite -
Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives
A.R. Millard