Biblical Studies
All books in Biblical Studies
Forensic Scriptures: Critical Analysis of Scripture and What the Qur'an Reveals about the Bible
Brian Arthur Brown -
Probing the Frontiers of Biblical Studies #111
J. Ellens -
Transforming Habits
Stephen W. Robbins -
Transforming Habits: Spiritual Guidance through the Sermon on the Mount – eBook
Probing the Frontiers of Biblical Studies
J. Harold Ellens -
Forensic Scriptures: Critical Analysis of Scripture and What the Qur'an Reveals about the Bible – eBook
Divine Presence amid Violence: Contextualizing the Book of Joshua – eBook
The Power of Disorder: Ritual Elements in Mark's Passion Narrative
Nicole Wilkinson Duran -
Meneket Rivkah: A Manual of Wisdom and Piety for Jewish Women
Frauke von Rohden -
The Apocalyptic Literature: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series
Stephen L. Cook -
A Survey of the Old Testament, Expanded and Redesigned
Andrew E. Hill -
Through His Eyes: God's Perspective on Women in the Bible – eBook
The Beginning of the Gospel
Eugene LaVerdiere -
Lydia: Paul's Cosmopolitan Hostess
Richard S. Ascough -
Case for Historic Premillennialism, A: An Alternative to Left Behind Eschatology – eBook
The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus
Introducing Paul: The Man, His Mission, and His Message
Unveiling Revelation
James L. Davis -
Paul for Today: New Perspectives on a Controversial Apostle
Neil G. Richardson -
Pauline Parallels: A Comprehensive Guide
Walter T. Wilson -
The Massoreth Ha-Massoreth of Elias Levita
Christian D. Ginsburg -
Jacob Ben Chajim Ibn Adonijah's Introduction to the Rabbinic Bible
Christian D. Ginsburg -
Invitation to a Spiritual Revolution: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
Paul Earnhart -
Luke the Physician: The Author of the Third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles
J.R. Wilkinson -
Jesus: The Great Debate – eBook
The Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia
Herman N. Ridderbos -
Byzantine Rome and the Greek Popes: Eastern Influences on Rome and the Papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590-752
Andrew J. Ekonomou -
Satan vs. God
Herman Saini -
At Home in a Strange Land: Using the Old Testament in Christian Ethics
At Home in a Strange Land: Using the Old Testament in Christian Ethics – eBook